عن الحملة

بدأت حملة الافراج عن طل الملوحي بعد نداء وجهته والدة المدونة السورية "طل الملوحي" في الأول من ايلول سبتمبر ٢٠١٠، وهي حملة مطلبية قوامها ناشطون أفراد بهدف انساني وليست كياناً مؤسسيا. لمعرفة المزيد

السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2011

أحداث ١٤ أيلول/سبتمبر ٢٠١١ في سورية Syrian Revolution News 14 Sep 2011

Syrian Revolution News Round-up                      ملخص أحداث الثورة السورية
Day 184: Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011                    اليوم ١۸٤: الاربعاء، ١٤ أيلول/سبتمبر ٢٠١١
  Source:Strategic Research & Communication Centre
Assad Forces Kill Over 12 Civilians, and Syrian Television Broadcasts a Fabricated Confession by Harmoush
Syrian demonstrators calling for international protection

Today’s Top Developments
  • Assad forces killed 12 civilians
  • Arabic human rights organizations requested Arab League suspend Syria’s membership
  • Syrian television plans to broadcast alleged confessions of Harmoush 

Today’s Top Videos
  • Brave child spits on a photo of Bashar Assad when asked to kiss it under torture
  • Statement No. 11 by Free Syrian Army accuses the Turkish government of being behind the kidnapping of Lieutenant Colonel Hussain Harmoush
  • Syrian security forces burn the bodies of the protesters after slaughtering them

Today’s Summary of Events 

Assad’s forces carried out massive military operations in the northern Idlib province and in Damascus suburbs, resulting in the death of ten civilians and two children. These operations come as part of a campaign to chase down defecting soldiers in the north and activists in the suburbs of Damascus, as well as arresting hundreds of others. The result was the death of several victims in Deir Azzour, Homs, Hama’s suburbs, Douma, Damascus suburbs, Aleppo and Jisr Ashogour.

Tens of armored vehicles accompanied with hundreds of Syrian soldiers stormed villages along the Turkish border in the villages of Jabal al-Zawiya in Idlib to chase down defecting soldiers who fled from security forces in Sahl Al-Ghab. These forces shelled and randomly fired gunfire during the invasion of Ariha, Sahl Al-Ghab, Jabal Al-Zawiya and Basnaqoul village. This also resulted in 500 civilians fleeing as refugees to the Turkish side of the borders. The Syrian army chased many of them and burnt many camps used by dislocated villagers on Syria's side of the borders.

In Homs, security forces carried out an arrest campaign in the midst of gun and shell firing on residential areas of Bab Sbaa, Al-Maraija, Bab Draib, Al-Khaldiya, Bab Amr, Bab Al-Torkman, and the villages of Talbisa and Al-Rastan. Demonstrations occurred in the neighborhoods of Deir Baalba, Al-Bayada, Al-Khaldiya, Al-Qosur, Jouret Al-Shiyah, Al-Qarabis, Al-Inshaat, Bab Amr, Jouret Al-Arayes, Al-Waar, Bab Al-Draib, Karm Al-Sham, and the villages of Talbisa, Al-Rastan, Al-Houleh, Al-Qasir, Tadmor and Al-Qaryatain in Al-Dablan. A women-led demonstration also occurred in Al-Khaldiya.

Syrian state-run television announced it will broadcast Thursday night confessions made by defected Syrian officer Hussain Harmoush from the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Harmoush was the first Syrian officer to declare his defection away from the army, and he was amongst the founding members of the FSA. Ibrahim Harmoush, Hussain Harmoush’s brother, blamed Turkey for its role in the disappearance of his brother.

Over 167 human rights organizations put forward a request to the Arab League to suspend Syria’s membership because of the brutality of Assad’s regime. The statement said that it is a responsibility to take necessary procedures against the Assad regime and its officials such as a travel ban and a freeze of assets.

قوّات الأسد تقتل أكثر من 12 مدنياً، والتلفزيون السوري يبث اعترافات مزوّرة لهرموش

قامت قوّات الأسد بعمليّات عسكريّة هائلة في شمال سورية في محافظة إدلب وفي ريف دمشق مما أسفر عن مقتل 10 مدنيّين وطفلين. وتأتي هذه العمليّات لملاحقة الجنود المُنشقّين في الشمال وناشطين في ريف دمشق واعتقال المئات. وقد سقط عدد من الضحايا في ديرالزور وحمص وريف حماة ودوما وريف دمشق وحلب وجسر الشغور.
وقامت قوّات الأسد باقتحام قرى وبلدات الشمال في إدلب، حيث دخلت عشرات المدرّعات ومئات الجنود السوريّين بلدات على الحدود مع تركيا في منطقة جبل الزاوية لملاحقة المنشقّين عن الجيش بعد هروبهم من قوّات الأمن في سهل الغاب. وقامت هذه القوّات بالقصف وإطلاق النيران بعشوائيّة أثناء اجتياح أريحا وسهل الغاب وجبل الزاوية وقرية بسنقول. وقد سبّب هذا هروب أكثر من 500 مدنياً إلى الحدود التركيّة. ولاحق الجيش العديد منهم وحرق الكثير من مخيّمات النازحين على الأراضي السوريّة

وفي حمص، قامت قوّات الأمن بحملة اعتقالات وسط إطلاق نار وقذائف على المناطق السكنيّة في حي باب السباع والمريجة وباب الدريب والخالديّة وباب عمرو وباب التركمان ومدن الرستن وتلبيسة. وقد خرجت مظاهرات في أحياء دير بعلبة والبيّاضة والخالديّة والقصور وجورة الشيّاح والقرابيص والإنشاءات وباب عمرو وجورة العرايس والوعر وباب الدريب وكرم الشامي، ومدن تلبيسة والرستن والحولة والقصير وتدمر والقريتين في الدبلان، ومظاهرات نسائيّة في الخالديّة

وقال التلفزيون السوري أنه سوف يعرض مساء اليوم الخميس اعترافات للمقدم حسين هرموش من الجيش السوري الحر الذي كان أول ضابط يعلن انشقاقه عن الجيش السوري. واتّهم إبراهيم هرموش -شقيق حسين هرموش- تركيا بالتورط في عملية اختفاء شقيقه

وقامت أكثر من 167 منظّمة عاملة في مجال حقوق الإنسان بالطلب من جامعة الدول العربيّة تعليق عضويّة سورية بسبب وحشيّة نظام الأسد. وقال البيان أنه يتوجّب القيام بإجراءات ضد النظام السوري ومسؤوليه مثل حظر السفر وتجميد الأصول

أبرز المقاطع المصوّرة
طفل شجاع يبصق على صورة بشار الأسد بعد أن طلب منه معذبيه أن يُقبِّلها
مورك: محمد مصطفى سليمان قتل برصاص الجيش السوري يوم الاثنين وتم منع الناس من إسعافه لمدة أربع ساعات
كفرنبوذة: إطلاق نار من قناصة على مُشييعي الشهداء وسقوط شهيد جديد
المحامي العام: عدنان البكور يظهر في فيديو مسجل يطالب المجتمع الدولي بالتدخل لحماية المدنيين
لواء الضباط الأحرار: بيان رقم 11 صادر عن حركة الضباط الأحرار بخصوص المقدم حسين هرموش
بابا عمرو: ابن الشهيد فاروق طه الجوري يبكي فوق جثة والده
شارع الستين: الأمن السوري يحرق جثث الشهداء ويلقيها في الشوارع
Revolution Statistics
Syrians killed: 3,345
Children killed: 200
Females killed: 145
Missing: 3,059
Protestors killed under torture: 89
Protestors currently incarcerated: ~20,000
Syrian refugees since the revolution: +12,577
Refugees in Turkey: 10,227
Refugees in Lebanon: 2,300

International Reactions
Qatar PM urges end to violence in Syria
Arab League urged Syria to apply “dialogue not violence”‎
Ambassadors to Syria unite in public solidarity at vigil for murdered activist
France condemns the horrific murder of the young peaceful activist, Ghiath Matar

Upcoming Events
Sep 16: Cairo, Egypt
A Million-man march in solidarity with the Syrian revolution at liberation square and at Syrian embassies in Cairo and around the world

Sep 16: Bucharest, Romania
Demonstration in front of the Romania Parliament Building, at 15:30 – 17:30

Sep 17: Los Angeles, California, USA
Big Free Syria Rally from 17:00-19:00

Sep 17: Geneva, Switzerland
Peaceful march in white dresses in support of the Syrian Revolution at the UN building, 16:00-20:00

Sep 17-18: Praque, Czech
Demonstration at Treffpunkt: Zoologischer Gartenv, 10:00 on 17th and 12:00pm on 18th

Sep 17-18: Leon, France 
Demonstration at Place Louis Pradel at 18:00 – 20:00

Selected Media Coverage
‎‎Reuters: Rights groups urge Arab League to suspend Syria
Euronews: Video: Syrian army pushes into northwest
UPI: Syria undeterred by foreign pressure
Reuters: Syria's ports suffer as unrest hits economy
BBC: Syrian unrest; the exiles keeping the uprising online
NY Times Blog: Syrian TV station accuses Al-Jazeera of fabricating uprising
Voice of America: Rights activists say Syrian forces kill 4 near Turkey Border

Damascus and its Suburbs
Al-Kesweh: Demonstrators chanting “Bashar go away”, P2
Douma: Syrian security forces and accompanied thugs arrest a child protester
Al-Zabadani: Heavy presence of military forces around the city
Douma: Syrian security forces and accompanied thugs brutally beat one of the unarmed civilian protesters
Al-Moadamiya: All-women demo chanting for the fallen heroes and promising to continue protesting
Al-Kesweh: Syrian military helicopters flew low above the city to incite fear, P2
Al-Zabadani: Deployment of snipers at the western moutnains
Al-Maidan: Men and women demonstrators took to the street to demand Bashar to leave
Qudsia: The Imam of Al-Omari mosque advises protesters to sit-in until all detainees are released
Zamalka: Mass evening demo singing for freedom
Al-Asali: Demonstrators chanting “the people want to execute the president”
Irbeen: Demonstrators chanting slogans against Bashar Al-Assad and burn the Russian flag, P2

Hama: Wall paintings by fallen hero Anas Bakkour
Al-Latmaneh: Early morning demo demanding overthrowing the regime
Al-Madeeq Castle: Demonstrators took to the streets demanding the execution of Bashar Al-Assad despite the heavy presence of security forces
Al-Madeeq Castle: Looting, theft and destruction of civilian homes by Syrian security forces and accompanied thugs

Baba Amr: The funeral procession of fallen hero Farook Taha Al-Jouri, P2
Al-Qasair: A speech by female rebels promising to carry on their fight for the freedom
Al-Rastan: Torture marks on the detainees’ bodies
Digging graves of fallen heroes by Syrian security forces
Baba Amr: Female demonstrators exhibit banners condemning Arab League Chief and the Russian regime
Al-Houleh: Demonstrators call upon the Syrian army to disobey orders of killing unarmed protesters
Al-Waar: All-women demo chanting “long live Syria and death to Al-Assad” 
Al-Waar: Female demonstrators burning the Russian flag
Al-Houleh: Demonstrators mocking Bashar’s Birthday, P2
Al-Qarabees: Demonstrators chant against Bashar Al-Assad and his brother Maher
Karam Al-Shami: Demonstrators chanting “we prefer death to humiliation
Talbeeseh: Syrian security forces destroying personal properties of residents

Banyas: Declaration statement by female protesters promising to carry on peaceful protests and their support of the revolution

Nawa: Anti-government slogans written on the walls
Kherbet Ghazala: Demonstrators write slogans on the wall demanding international protection
Al-Herak: Night demo demanding Bashar to quit
Naseeb: Night demo demanding Bashar to quit
Bosr Al-Harir: Demonstrators demanding the execution of the Assad, P2

Jabal Al-Zawiya: Syrian security forces and accompanied thugs causing severe damages to civilian homes, P2
Jabal Al-Zawiya: Military reinforcements on its way to the city
Idlib: Demonstrators demand the execution of Assad

Al-Bab: Funeral procession of fallen hero Mohammad Sokar, P2, P3

Jableh: Demo demanding the execution of the president
Children chanting “the people want to execute the president”

Deir Azzour
Al-Quriya: Demo in solidarity with the areas under attack 

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